How my faith guides my relationship with my husband, myself, and motherhood.

It’s Complicated

A few years ago, if I was being honest, my social relationship status with everyone including myself would be: It’s complicated.  I experienced feelings of FOMO, less-than, anxiety, and for the first-time depression.  Our feelings are a result of assessments made about the past, present, and future—and Christianity grounds its believers in a specific past, present, and future.  So why do I, a Christian still have feelings that are not in line with what the bible says about me?  The Bible makes clear that we are broken people living in a fallen world. As a result, our emotional reactions will not be perfect.

This is personal

20 years ago, my husband and I decided to be intentional with our relationship with Christ.  Like many people, this decision was born out of a desperate need for change.  Being a wife, mother to 3 children, and business owner required supernatural strength. I know I couldn’t have made it through the last 20 years happy, healthy, and as successful as I have been blessed to be without what I have learned about who Christ is and the practical everyday teachings of the bible.  

Still, this didn’t shelter me from the feelings that swelled up when my oldest daughter moved away to college. 

My husband was dealing with his battle.  How could I help him, and myself at the same time?

Alan & Michelle

It’s not perfect

I was fortunate enough to grow up in an era when Instagram didn’t tell me what perfect was.  I’m fully aware that all of us are just doing our best to figure things out.  It’s easy though to fall into the trap of thinking that sending your kids out into the world to figure it out should be effortless.  In the carpool lanes between business appointments and while having a 3-year-old on my hip during a listing appointment you would hear me long for the day that the torture of my kids’ schedules was over. 

For me, it’s almost over. Que the scary music. Our oldest daughter graduated college in the spring and just left last week to move to New York City.  This has been her dream since the first time we visited NYC.  Our son is back at school for his sophomore year in Seattle.  Our youngest daughter is in high school charting her course to an ivy league school one week and holding up in her room listening to music on vinyl the next.  I love this season, it’s all Alan and I have hoped and worked for with our children since they were young. 

We need help

When the feelings well up and become more than we can handle we know to give it all to God.  But then what?  I needed help with knowing what was next as I entered this season of life, and will no doubt need help as we enter the next one.  A friend recommended a life coach, and it has transformed so much in my life.  It hasn’t replaced my faith but helps me be more intentional about applying the principles of my faith to everyday life.   Through the process, I found a passion that fit me so well.  I have been what my closest friends would call obsessed with health and fitness for many years.  I know that people need this.  They need help moving between seasons of life and they need clarity to ignite their passion for their relationships, their health/wellness, fitness, and their career. 

Photo by Luca Nardone

There’s hope

Coaching isn’t about replacing someone’s faith or changing it.  It’s about teaching skills to make everything you do better. This journey has helped our family so much and I want to offer the same to everyone I know. 

This week as Alan and I officially start our latest “New Season” I want to encourage you that you don’t have to have it all figured out.  You don’t have to do it alone, if you need help moving into your next season of life, I’d love to stand with you and teach you the skills to better equip you for what’s ahead.

Photo by Yelena Odintsova



About Michelle- Michelle is a wife, mother of 3, business owner, and Certified health/wellness coach.  I’m called to help Men and Women take the journey through their next season of life, health, relationships, or career with the energy and clarity so they can enjoy a faith-filled life they love. 

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